Embed Google Calendar In WordPress

How To Embed Google Calendar In WordPress Properly

Google calendar is one of the best tools you can have. You can manage your events and schedule the timetable which can help you handle your projects.

You can let your employees know about the project due date and the meeting you have with them. For which, you can embed Google calendar in WordPress.

There are many Google products which are rocking this internet world and you would be happy to configure this one out.

You can also add Google calendar in WordPress without any plugin. This tutorial will consist the use of a plugin.

Start Configuring The Google Calendar Plugin For Its Best Use

Everything is easy when you see thousands of plugins in the WordPress directory. Many people fret about generating the code manually.

To get rid of such fear, you can use a plugin. There are a few steps you should follow.

Step 1:- Install and activate Simple Calendar plugin. After installation, go to Calendars>>Settings and you will a box to add Google API key.

To get an API, you have to click on “Google Developers Console” link and it will take you to its manager page.

Step 2:- Either you will see a button to create a new project or the main API manager page will open. In both the cases, you have to create a new project.

If the main page appears then click on the “create project” button. Otherwise, use the drop-down button near the Google API logo and create a new project.

A popup will appear where you have to choose the name of the project. Fill the name and create the project.

Step 3:- If you haven’t ever used any Google API before then you will see a page from which, you have to enable the API key.

There will be an option to “Enable and Manage APIs”. But if you already have generated it once then it will directly take you a page showing many options.

Under Google Apps APIs, click on the “calendar API”.

Step 4:- At this point, you will be asked to enable these APIs. Click on the “Enable” button.

Step 5:- You have enabled the APIs but to make them work, you have to choose its credentials. On the next page, click on the “create credentials” button.

Step 6:- To generate the API for your WordPress website, you have to click on API key link. It will be helpful in connecting Google calendar and WordPress.

Step 7:- You will see a few options at such page. For the better usage, you should click on the “IP address” radio button.

Don’t forget to click on the create button.

You have successfully created the APIs key for your WordPress website. You should copy the API key shown and paste it in the plugin.

To embed Google calendar in WordPress, you have to create a new calendar or edit the existing one.

Configuring The Google Calendar And Its Visibility

You can’t just copy and paste the API keys. It wouldn’t work until you create a new calendar and make it shareable.

There a few steps required.

Step 1:- You can easily create a new calendar using the button and see all list below it. To configure the any of the calendars, you have to click on the drop-down menu icon.

Choose “Calendar settings” and it will take you to a new page.

Step 2:- At this page, click on the share calendar option. At this page, you have to tick the checkbox to make your calendar public.

This is the way you can share this calendar with your readers and even they can do the same.

Step 3:- Open the main calendar settings page and scroll down. You will see the calendar address which will consist the calendar ID.

Copy this ID anywhere on your computer. Use any text editor and paste it.

Start Adding A New Calendar In WordPress.

Your work hasn’t finished yet. You have successfully connected the Google calendar with WordPress but to make it work, you have to add a new calendar.

Go to Calendars>>Add New and a page will open. It will be the same as a post editor. You will see some code added in the text box.

You can create your own title if you want. It consists a little bit of the text which can be edited.

To fo further, scroll down and you will see a few options. Click on “Google Calendar” and you will see a field to add the calendar ID.

This is the same calendar ID you have copied earlier. Paste that ID.

Just like any other post, save and click on the “publish” button. It will add a new calendar in the list.

If you want to show it in any post or page, you have to copy its shortcode by navigating to Calendars>>All calendars.

Copy the shortcode and add it to any post or page. You can preview the calendar after using this shortcode.

Many people have requested to show it in the sidebar. Well, go to Appearance>>Widgets and you will see a Simple Calendar widget.

Drag and drop it in the sidebar and save it.

You can also change the title of the calendar. Don’t forget to save the settings. If you see the calendar in the sidebar then congratulation, you have successfully added your Google calendar in WordPress.

I Hope You Can Easily Embed Google Calendar In WordPress

Though the process is a little bit longer but if you would go step by step, you wouldn’t face any problem. Many people wish to share their important dates with their partners and this is the perfect deal.

The main thing is to create an API key which can integrate the Google calendar to WordPress. And don’t forget to copy and paste the calendar ID.

People have their own choices and the best part is that you can add as many calendars you want. For every new calendar, you have to copy and paste the calendar ID.

Can you now embed Google calendar in WordPress? If you still face any problem, feel free to drop a comment.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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